Side by Side Donation
Members of Side by Side pictured left to right: Front row: Barb Steinmetz, Mary Churchill, Diane Nopenz Middle: Maureen Otten, Jennifer Bartz Back: Lynelle Gramm, Anne McCord.
Members of Lake Geneva Jaycees left to right: Front row: Ryan Lasch, Zach Grider, Zac Siemens Back: Jack Lasch, Eric Akuetteh
The Lake Geneva Jaycees recently presented a donation of $2249.00 to Side by Side. The donation provided a new laptop to help with day to day business. Side by Side is a local organization of neighbors providing assistance to families in crisis. The help provide financial assistance rent/mortgage, utilities and prescription medicines. For more information about Side by Side please visit 100 percent of their donations go the the families in crisis.
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