Fireworks Donations
Donate to the Lake Geneva Jaycees Venetian Festival Fireworks!
It’s fast, easy and secure using your Credit Card or PayPal account now you can donate to a great event, and an even greater cause. Donate any amount! The Jaycees want to continue to provide the biggest Fireworks display we can. With your help we hope to continue to match our usual club funded donation level in order to give you twice the display without impacting the donation levels we maintain throughout the year to our various commitments.
You can find the friendly PayPal Donation Button at the top of every page on our site.
Thank You!!!
Please note that the Jaycees are a 501(c)4 Not For Profit Corporation & Civic League. As such your donation is not tax deductible. For more information about our 501(c)3 Donation Opportunities which may be take deductible using our Foundation, please contact us at
Lake Geneva Jaycee’s Incorporated Tax Status
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