Easter Egg Hunt Egg Stuffing Help and Schedule
March 19, 2008
Easter Egg Stuffing Day
It is that time of year to stuff easter eggs and JW into the bunny suit!
Many hands make for quick work, so please come out to help.
See below for details.
Also we will need help Saturday AM for the event as well.
Finally, Badger vs CS Fullerton game will be on.
Game starts 7:30 PM and will be broad cast on Hi-Def 50 inch plasma.
Please RSVP to David Broaden by Wednesday.
Thanks guys,
Help Needed…
We need manpower to stuff 2500 eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt this Saturday.
Meeting at Braodedn’s house Thursday at 6:30 PM
Beer and Pizza
Dave pulled out his calculator and figured it would take approximately 45.7 minutes if eight people helped and stuffed each egg at approximately 32.9 seconds.
I say we check his math.
Dan the Builder
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